Friday, 20 June 2014

The Stubbornness Shines Through

After a small delay caused by neighbours, ambulances, cats, houses for sale and watering Grandma's veg patch we set off for our evening constitutional around the park.

Only Holly had other ideas which led me to post the following on Facebook

"Does anyone want a stubborn, determined, wheeled Holly-dog? She is currently driving me bonkers as she goes through a "I've forgotten that I am not as young and energetic as I used to be" phase.
She thinks we should be hiking the hills and dales tonight and keeps trying to go down paths that the wheels don't fit down, she looks most put out when I insist we revert to the walk round the park."

It kept everyone else amused as I had to keep back-tracking and extracting Holly from ginnels, snickets and paths that she was attempting to go down. Poor old dog really wanted to go on some of her old walking routes, but they are just not possible any more. We are going off to meet friends as normal on Saturday, a lovely walk is planned along an old railway line at the edge of the Pennines, hopefully that will keep her walking in the hills desire sated for a while.