Friday 21 March 2014

Cat Hairs

The signs of the cdm progressing continue to appear. Over the past few weeks I have noticed that Holly sometimes has problems sneezing and coughing.

You know when you have a really bad cold and have coughed and sneezed so much that your muscles hurt? So you try to stop the hurt by sneezing or coughing in a genteele way that only uses the bare minimum of muscles and ligaments. The resulting feeble wheezy ineffective expulsion of air is how Holly's coughing and sneezing is now frequently sounding like.

The problem is it is spring, so all the animals are moulting. Which means that as Linus sleeps curled up next to Holly she ends up breathing in cat hairs and we all know how much they tickle and irritate! Or we have a wander round the garden and she sticks her big wet nose into all the nooks and crannys to have a good sniff of the spring air, and once more she needs to sneeze.

There are still some 'proper' coughs and sneezes but the feeble wheezy ones are starting to take over.

As sad as the progression is she is still a happy dog. She still recognises all the little things that mean I am geting ready to take her for a walk and starts pestering and wittering about when we are going as soon as she spots them. And she still sulks and generally lets it be known that she is unhappy if she doesn't think we have been out long enough, regardless of the weather.

So while I think the time to say goodbye is getting closer I don't think we are quite there yet.