Tuesday, 15 September 2015

A Most Unusual Compliment

Hilda attends training classes for the Kennel Club Good Citizen award, currently she is doing the Bronze level. She enjoys the classes but recently has been playing up when it isn't her turn to have a go at an exercise.

My solution to this is to get her to do sit or down stays or other small localised non-disruptive tasks while we wait for her turn. After observing Hilda performing the exercises, playing up and my solution to keeping her quiet and occupied the trainer paid Hilda a most unusual compliment.

She told me that Hilda was bored! She is bored because she doesn't find the bronze level tasks a challenge any more and is ready to take her exam and move up to the Silver level class.

There is an exam coming up in October so hopefully the extra tasks while we are waiting will keep her going until we can take the exam and fingers crossed we both perform to a suitable level to pass.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Happy Birthday Hilda

One today!